公司档案 公司介绍 本公司是一家专业生产各类中高档天然皮木、科技木皮、薄板、地板表材、,制作优质的一条龙生产企业。公司资金雄厚,规模庞大﹑其中厂房面积数千平方米,拥有先进的全套日本制造生产设备,生产流水线,积累了多年的木板生产技术和丰富的经验,年销售量在30万平方米以上。公司以“保证质量﹑服务用户”为宗旨。坚持“科学管理,诚信经营”的企业理念。公司正在办理ISO9001—2000国际质量体系认证和ISO14001-1996国际环境管理体系认证。
Santai Plywood Company Limited is dedicated to the production of different grades of mddle, high and low quality natural tree skin、technology tree skin 、sheet、flooring. Since its establishment in 1993 in Siyang County the company made significant achievements and took advantage of the local poplar l resources. In addition, the company also imports some fine natural woods to manufacture Birchplywood,poplar multilayer,catena coloration veneer,black veneer science wood木,teak science wood,Thai wood, etc. science and technology wood is the latest product brought to the market by Santai and has characteristics of antisepsis, warp-resistance, similarity to natural woods as well as environmental-friendly green product.