乐清市集创民间工艺有限公司坐落于“中国民间工艺美术之都”、黄杨木雕发源地浙江乐清,从事黄杨木雕、细纹刻纸、半宝石工艺品、夹缬布、天然植物纤维编制工艺品、地毯、挂毯等工艺精品开发、设计、生产、销售、服务于一体的综合型企业。公司以传承发扬非物资文化产业为目的,由原乐清县艺术雕刻厂、乐清黄杨木雕社重组而成,实现了民间工艺美术大师、中国美术学院、鲁美美术学院等高端人士集一体创作,以集中智慧创作国粹工艺为理想,创意设计表达文化生活作品为方法,完成传统工艺美术和现代文化生活相结合。 “集八方之力量,创最美之作品”是我们永远的宗旨。“乐清集创”愿真诚地与国内外有识之士携手,共创辉煌的明天。http://qiazai.taobao.com
Company introduction Yueqing Jichuang folk craft Co., LTD located in "china folk art and craft"、Huangyang wood sculpture birthplace ZhejiangYueqing, engaged in Huangyang wood sculpture、fine lines paper cutting、semi-precious stones handicraft、clip printing cloth、natural plant fiber of handicraft、carpet, tapestry craftwork, development, design, production, sales, and service of an integrated enterprise. The company to inheriting carry forward not material culture industry for the purpose,Yueqing county art carving factory and Yueqing Huangyang wood sculpture club restructuring complete, realized folk craft arts masters、china academy of fine arts、lvmei academy of fine arts etc high-end personage together creation,set all directions of force, creating the most beautiful works, to realize the traditional technology and modern culture combined.