瑞丰木器厂有限公司是一家外商独资企业,公司具有全套木工专用设备,拥有全自动电脑喷漆生产线和现代化的大型材料烘干房,高素质的专业技术人员。公司秉承"品质、创造、务实、诚信"的企业文化理念,依托严格的科学管理,凭靠先进的设备和多年的制造技术,生产出一流的产品。本公司根据客户要求,灵活生产各款式的木制产品,销往国外各地,且倍受广大客户的信赖和支持。 Ruifeng Wood Craft Products Co.,Ltd has complete professional woodworking facilities, fully auto computerized, has complete professional woodworking facilities, fully auto computerized painting line, modernized large drying house and highly qualified technicians. Based on the culture of "quality, innovation, practice and sincerity" combined with strict scientific management, advanced equipment and years of accumulated manufacturing technology, the factory strives to produce topnotch products.... [