North America Hardwood Corp. is a true specialist of hardwood supplier. We produce a broad range of selection hardwood products from northeast of U.S.A. and Canada for local and international markets. We invite you and all friends to visit our yard and inspect logs we provide.
Our inspectors are especially well qualified to sort and screen categories of logs to keep our standard consistency. Our high quality logs will be most suitable to the needs of our international customer base.
We ship to over 18 countries around the world using our specialized freight forwarders and shipping lines to expedite shipments as soon as sales occur. Our experienced office staffs are familiar with Custom requirement of each country. We will provide fumigation and all related documents. We have representatives who speak fluent Chinese.
美国北美硬木公司, 是一家具有高度专业化的硬木供应厂商, 我们的硬木产品质量高, 品种纯, 级别分类全. 本公司所提供的硬木均产之于世界闻名的美国东北部及加拿大, 产品不仅供应美国市场, 也远销世界各地. 欢迎各位来本公司林场实地考查.
我们受过专业训练的检验人员, 对新砍伐后的原木进行精确的筛选和分类, 这不仅保证了品质标准的连贯性, 而且满足了我们客户的不同需求. “货真价实” “顾客至上”是我们服务的理念.
每当公司接到定单, 与我们有长期合作关系的船运公司, 以最快的速度将硬木送到客户手里, 我们的销售代表不仅对业务娴熟, 而且对各国海关了如指掌, 我公司将为客户作熏蒸处理, 及准备所有入关文件, 我们有讲中文的业务代表竭诚为您服务.