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Asopie Group  

出口南美的木头: 双柱苏木(南美柚), 瓦泰豆, 绿心樟, 平滑毛药木, 蛇桑 , 依贝 重蚁木, 紫心木, 红尼克樟 , 马帝豆 , 斯沃铁豆木 , 塔塔布, 玫瑰上花独蕊, 厚果山榄, 木荚苏木(瓦拉巴), 正苦木 , 乳桑

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  • 联系人:温帕卢
  • 电话:18610027492
  • 邮件:waarispaulus@hotmail.com
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公司名称 Asopie Group
资料认证 企业资料通过认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 ()
所 在 地 全国
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 2002
经营范围 出口南美的木头: 双柱苏木(南美柚), 瓦泰豆, 绿心樟, 平滑毛药木, 蛇桑 , 依贝 重蚁木, 紫心木, 红尼克樟 , 马帝豆 , 斯沃铁豆木 , 塔塔布, 玫瑰上花独蕊, 厚果山榄, 木荚苏木(瓦拉巴), 正苦木 , 乳桑
主营行业 建材/家居 / 装饰木材 / 板材类    
    Asopie Group NV is a Suriname-based company that mainly focuses on import- export of wood (timber) and wooden products (art) with representatives in China, Beijing.

    Asopie Group NV has a solid and strong foundation. Started as a small local furniture manufacturer in 2001, Asopie Group NV expanded and redirected its focus on export- import in 2013, entering therefore the international business scene.

    Asopie Group NV benefits also from a compact operational structure with concessions in Western and Southern Suriname, where we closely operate with local chamber concessions holders.

    Thanks to the extensive knowledge of China of one of our companys founders and his experience there throughout the years, Asopie Group NV has been able to rebrand and direct its focus towards the Chinese market. After studying and living in China for over six years, Wendell Paulus B.Sc., became aware of the potential of the Chinese chamber and furniture market. Supported by extensive and exhaustive research, targeted meetings with organizations within this sector in China and Suriname and, most of all, throughout the help of the Surinamese Embassy in China, we have decided to enter the Chinese market, with our main mission being:

    1. Growing and cultivating longlasting and powerful business relationships with organizations and companies operating in the Chinese market;

    2. Establishing and developing a fruitful chamber business, considering the appeal of high-end wooden furniture and art products within the Chinese market and therefore its high demand;

    3. Build and expand a strong network of Surinamese and Chinese companies conducting export-import activities of exotic timber and prestigious high-end wooden products, strengthening a cultural and folkloristic exchange between these two countries.

    Suriname is located along the northeastern coast of South America, neighbor to Brazil along the South, with Guyana to the West and French Guyana to the East; more than 80% of Suriname is covered by the Amazon rainforest, which is very well-known for its richness in flora and fauna, but most of all for hosting the rarest species of timber in the world, such as Snakewood.

    We export different varieties of timber, from precious hard wood, suitable for furniture and antics, to wood for building materials.

    Our timbers are carefully selected by our employers in our concessions in the South and West of Suriname.

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