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公司名称 东莞市光润家具制造有限公司
资料认证 企业资料通过认证
保 证 金 ¥0.00
公司类型 企业单位 ()
所 在 地
注册资本 未填写
注册年份 1992
经营范围 大/中/小班台,会议台,文件柜,电脑桌,茶水/咖啡桌等等
主营行业 建材/家居 / 装饰木材 / 板材类    
    Dongguan Guangrun Furniture Manufaturing co.,ltd was established in Mar.1992. It is a private enterprise specialized in modern office furniture, such as executive table, meeting table, computer desk, file cabinet and so on. Now our company has more than 1500 employees, and is composed by personnel, quality, financial, purchasing, research and development, home and foreign marketing, engineering and facility departments and two manufacturing factories.
    With constant development, we occupy 130 thousand square meters floor space and 110 mu factory area. Our production and sales value have been growing rapidly in the past few years: In 2007 the ratepaying is amount to 10.8 million, compared with 2006’s there is 30% increase, Which is the third year the ratepaying amount exceed 10 million (2006:1170million, 2005:1080million). After companies uniting, there are Guangrun, Shifa, Jiashengshijia, Guangrun E-zone four famous brands and the whole company will be stronger and be like a “aircraft carrier” in furniture industry in Dongguan.
    公司一贯奉行“精心开发、精细制造、精良服务、精益求精”的质量方针,在2001年1月成功通过SGS认证公司的ISO9001:2000版英国“皇冠”证书认证,成为国内家具行业首家通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证的企业;2006年8月通过SGS认证公司的ISO14001:2004环境管理体系认证;2008年1月通过BV认证公司的FSC-COC森林管理链体系认证;公司于2004年11月获中国质量认证中心“CQC产品认证”和“CQC质量环保产品认证”;2005年1月份,被东莞市质量技术监督局定为东莞市“标准化试点企业”;2005年4月,“光润”商标荣获 “广东省著名商标”称号;2005年11月成为“市知识产权保护试点企业”之一;2005年12月被确认为“市级民营科技企业”;2006年被确定为 “省级民营科技企业”;2005年12月,光润木家具产品荣获 “国家免检产品” 称号;2006年荣获“东莞市50强民营企业”(综合排名第四)称号;2008年被东莞市政府评定为“东莞市工业龙头企业”。2005年5月,被市委定为“固本强基示范单位”之一,2006年6月被评为“省级固本强基先进基层党组织”;2005年10月,时任中央政治局委员、中组部部长,现任中央政治局常委、中纪委书记贺国强、时任市委书记、现任广东省副省长佟星率中央、省、市工作组到光润检查党员先进性教育开展情况,对光润党员先进性教育活动的开展情况给予了肯定。
    Under the quality policy “ aborative exploitation, elaborate production, superior serves and keep improving”, we achieved the SGS company’s England ISO9001:2000 [imperial crown] certification in Jan 2001, became the first one that gained this certification in the domestic furniture industry. Then we achieved the SGS company’s environment management certification of ISO14001:2004 in August 2006. By Jan 2008 we have achieved the certification of FSC forest management chain system operated by BV. In Nov. 2004, our company was awarded “CQC certificated product” and “CQC quality and environment certificated product”. In Jan 2005, we were awarded “standard testing enterprise” by the quality and technology intendance bureau of Dongguan. In April 2005 the brand “Guangrun”awarded the title “Guangdong famous brand”. In Nov.2005 we were awarded as “knowledge property right protected unit”. then “private technologic enterprise of the city” In Dec.200

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